Garden surprises

“Spring has sprung and the grass is ris'” …although very damp and soggy! So every morning I smile through the kitchen window.

But what’s popped up in the garden with daylight?

Yesterday it was these…

Purple and yellow iris

The irises have it!

The other day it was these…

A cluster of scarlet tipped yellow bulbs.

Does anyone know what these are called?


But today it was these!!

The neighbours cows in our backyard.

What heifer we here?

They had broken through the wire fence to get at our longish grass!

Well, they mowed it for us, trimmed around the trees even…

Neighbour's Angus cow in our backyard

Better than a 2-stroke!


…and fertilised the lawn to boot!  ♦


Photos 1, 2 taken with tablet. Photos 3, 4 taken with Olympus Stylus s1.

Convicts in the garden?

Aussie icons series

Old disused veggie garden 2012

When we moved to our land three years ago we set about cleaning up ‘the garden’. It’s 2 and a bit acres, so it’s still very much a work in progress.

Twenty year old trees needed to be thinned, some dead, most crowded. The place had been vacant for a few months so the grass was knee high and the veggie garden overgrown with weeds and blackberries. We are still uncovering and discovering some delightful finds after three years.

But the MOST exciting, the most dumb-struck-speechless-blink-eyes discovery was this:

I was removing the bricks that lined the old veggie beds and stacking them in a pile when I noticed that some I picked up looked very old and worn, handmade, with lumps and bumps.     Continue reading