‘The Running of the Sheep’ at Boorowa

THIS SUNDAY 2ND OCTOBER 2016 will be the 20th Irish Woolfest in Boorowa.

Sheep on 'Windouran' property, Burley Griffin Way, near Harden, New South Wales, Australia

Carb loading for Sunday…


From the website: http://www.irishwoolfest.com.au :

‘Everyone’s heard of the Running of the Bulls in Pamplona but much closer to home in Boorowa, New South Wales you can enjoy the spectacle of the “Running of the Sheep”.

Beautiful woolly Merino sheep are shepherded down the road by Farmer Ashley on his four wheel motorbike and his trusty Kelpies who leap on and off the motorbikes and on and off the sheep’s back.

A magical free country Festival with a myriad of activities including wool and Irish, children’s fun, and a fine Boutique Market displaying Food, Wine and quality crafts.


Following this is a Street Parade, Irish bands, and much more. It’s always a great day and I love the feet-stomping, thigh-clapping Irish music!

See irishwoolfest.com.au for more details.  ♦


Boorowa is a country town in New South Wales, Australia, 328 kms SW of Sydney and 115 kms NW of Canberra.

Boundary Rider (‘One Shot Wonders’, Fences)

Old wheel fence, Yass River Road, New South Wales, Australia


Also otherwise known as ‘re—cycling’. (…Sorry couldn’t help myself!)


This is the front fence of the house paddock of a Yass River Road property.

We were out for the afternoon to stir up some dust, as usual, and spotted this on our meanders.

We pulled over as far as we could on the narrow-ish dirt road. I clambered up the bank and took some shots, after first bashing the long grass with an even loooonger stick to scare off any lurking browns (snakes).

An intermittent stream of white utes* went up and down the road.

Being the country, everyone slowed down to see if we needed help. With the camera in hand, a one-finger-wave and a nod and the locals went off smiling on their way.  ♦


Fences, ‘One Shot Wonders’

Photo taken 1 November 2013, with Fuji FinePix S2980

Yass River Road, Yass Valley, New South Wales, Australia

This was taken last November after our last main falls of rain. What a difference a few months makes! Long green grass is now one inch yellow stubble.

* ‘utes’ – utility trucks or pick-up trucks